Token Purchase Guide

Step-by-step guidelines to connect your MetaMask wallet and purchase BET tokens.

1. Install MetaMask App

Guide Step1
  1. Install the MetaMask app from Play Store, Apple Store, or download from Google.
  2. Click on the "Connect Wallet" button.
  3. Select MetaMask.

2. Connect wallet

Guide Step1Guide Step1
  1. Click on the "Connect" button.
  2. Once your wallet is connected, click on the "Buy BET" button.

3. Enter Purchase Details

Guide Step1
  1. Enter the amount of BET tokens you want to purchase.
  2. Click on the "Buy BET" button.

4. Confirm Transaction

Guide Step1
  1. A pop-up will appear to confirm the transaction.
  2. Click on "Confirm."
  3. You have successfully purchased BET tokens. 🚀

Add BET Token To Your Wallet.

Follow the Guideline to Add and Display BET Tokens in Your Wallet

1. Add BET Token to Wallet

Guide Step1Guide Step1
  1. Open your MetaMask wallet and click on the "+" icon.
  2. Select "Custom Token" and copy the BET token address: 0x4c3828.....D8CcC7Eb
  3. Paste it into the "Token Contract Address" field, then click the "Next" button.

2. Confirm Token Addition

Guide Step1Guide Step1
  1. Click on the "Import" button.
  2. That's it! You can now see your BET token in your wallet. 😃

6. Contact Us

If you have any questions, reach out to us:

+440330 133 3753